

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Race Reports

A lot of my runner friends already know that I listen to Phedippidations quite often. I was listening to episode 140 today with race reports from Boston when Steve Runner gave a special emphasis at the end about the importance of race reports and that it is always great to read other runners race reports as each one of us has her/his own perspective on any given race; and he continued “… When you write a race report, you are not just doing it for yourself to memorialize the event. You are doing it for others, passing on your observations so that they can incorporate into their own and form an opinion as a way to better understand the event so that they can improve their performance on race day.

It is not enough to just run the race, or even run it well. You have to tell others about your race. Race reports are a big part of the process of running, racing and competing with each other. Runners help each other by offering advice and telling our stories so that when the rest of us line up on race day, we will have an impression as told by others of what to expect. It is called “Giving back to your fellow runners"
Well, I never saw this point of view, but I agree... and I do owe my fellow runners my report from the Knoxville Marathon ;)

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