

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

50 miles... seriously?

OK. I signed up for the Gore-Tex 50 Mile race of the North Face Endurance Challenge on June 2 in Washington DC. The race website says 39 days until race day. Seriously?
The race starts at the Algonkian Regional Park, then runs on the Potomac Heritage Trail through the Riverbend and Riverview parks and onto the Great Falls park for 3 tough loops and returns back though the trails to the Algonkian Park. I really did not intend to have a training plan for this race, but my friend Heather who is thinking about signing up was looking up for plans for 50 milers, before she signed up (which is obviously the right thing to do!)  It hit home when I saw her post. I have to have a plan if I am going to finish this thing… I am going to have to work on it, but some people have posted some useful links when Heather raised the question on dailymile I liked this one particularly; since I am geek... but I know I won’t follow it… in fact I should have been in week 13 of 18 if I was to follow it. It does call for a 50K this Sunday… it won’t happen…


  1. Michael,
    That is why I am concerned...I am not ready to run 30 this weekend. I am super proud of you! If if doesn't work out then, I know there is a 50 miler and the 100 miler at the end of the year in OBX!

    1. I understand... but you know my driver is to do it as a celenbration of my 50th which is June 20
      Do you have a link to the OBX races?
