

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Political Headlines

“Obama Signs Bill Overthrowing George W. Bush’s Disastrous No Child Left Behind”
"Nightmare Is Over:Obama gets Rid Of Bush's "No Child Left Behind" Act"
WOW! I was taken aback by the political spin in the headlines that I saw in the news today on the new education bill called “Every Student Succeeds Act”. Neither the NCLB Act was Bush’s, nor the new bill is Obama’s. Both the NCLB act and ESSA were bipartisan bills voted by big majorities of both democrats and republicans. They are both reauthorizations of the original ESEA K12 education act of 1965

The NCLB was well intended, but it did not produce the expected results. The new ESSA is also well intended and offers a lot of improvements. Albeit, the new bill preserves a lot of the previous bill including student testing and accountability. However, it gives more power to the states over the feds, something the republicans fought for...and I agree with.